Using Environment Variables in Datadog Agent Configuration

1 min read

209 words

Hey there, 👋

I needed to set up a Datadog agent to check remote Postgres instances as a regular container. All the documentation I found was about injecting secrets like passwords or hostnames via Kubernetes secrets. This seemed to be the only way to do it besides using Docker Swarm secrets. Since I had to set up a container definition for AWS ECS Fargate, neither of these options were available. So I wanted to see if I could use "regular" environment variables from which the agent could pull the secrets on startup.

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Automa(tic|g)ally registering ECS task in your AWS Application Load Balancer

2 min read

437 words

Hey there, 👋! I needed to set up automatic registration of ECS tasks of a service in our load balancer. The previous setups were done by colleagues, but now I had the chance to do it myself. Since we're setting up everything via Terraform as Infrastructure as Code, the example below will be written in hcl, the format that Terraform uses to set up resources.

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