entbit. by Niklas Metje Software engineering enthusiast from Cologne, Germany. Writing about DevOps, Cloud, Deno, Software Engineering, books and everything else that interests me. https://niklasmtj.de/ Effortless Internationalization in JavaScript with the Intl API 2025-02-07T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/i18n-with-javascripts-intl-api/ <p>When creating apps and websites, we often need to display data in different languages. Be it currencies, speeds, times or dates. Sorting words in different languages or dynamically setting the singular and plural forms of a word are also such use cases. For this there is the <code>Intl</code> API in JavaScript, which in my opinion still gets far too little attention.</p> <p>In the past, I have written custom functions or used libraries to do the above in different languages.</p> <p>So let's take a look at some of the functions of the <code>Intl</code> API and try to understand why it can make our lives easier.</p> The End of Date Libraries? Exploring JavaScript's Built-in Temporal API 2025-01-05T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/end-of-date-libraries-temporal-api/ <p>Working with date objects in Javascript can be quite a pain. That is why I usually use a library like <code>date-fns</code> for comparing, adding hours to my dates or working with dates and times in general.</p> <p>The <a href="https://tc39.es/">TC39</a>, which is the group of people who develop the definition of JavaScript, is working on the Temporal API. You can check out the proposal and documentation <a href="https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/">here</a>.</p> <p>With this, we no longer need date libraries, because the API itself is a breeze to work with.</p> Setting up PGlite in Deno 2024-09-06T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/setting-up-pglite-in-deno/ <p>I recently tried <a href="https://pglite.dev/">PGlite</a> because I saw it trending on Hacker News. The idea is cool, having a built-in <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/">Postgres</a> database that can even run in the client's browser brings a lot of possibilities. Seeing WASM (Web Assembly) get more use cases is also exciting to see.</p> Using Environment Variables in Datadog Agent Configuration 2024-09-05T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/use-environment-variables-in-datadog-agent-config/ <p>Hey there, 👋</p> <p>I needed to set up a Datadog agent to check remote Postgres instances as a regular container. All the documentation I found was about injecting secrets like passwords or hostnames via Kubernetes secrets. This seemed to be the only way to do it besides using Docker Swarm secrets. Since I had to set up a container definition for AWS ECS Fargate, neither of these options were available. So I wanted to see if I could use &quot;regular&quot; environment variables from which the agent could pull the secrets on startup.</p> Enhancing Web Accessibility: Or why I changed my website's font 2024-08-31T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/enhancing-web-accessibility-with-atkinson-hyperlegible-font/ <p>As someone with visual impairment in one eye, I understand firsthand the challenges of navigating websites with less-than-perfect vision. That's why I recently made a significant change to my website: I switched to the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font.</p> Use the `gofumpt` formatter in Zed as Golang default formatter 2024-08-21T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/use-gofumpt-formatter-in-zed-as-golang-default/ <p>I've been working more with Golang for a while now, so I set up my Zed editor to use <code>gofumpt</code> instead of <code>gofmt</code> as my default formatter.</p> Automa(tic|g)ally registering ECS task in your AWS Application Load Balancer 2024-07-26T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/automate-ecs-task-registration-in-alb/ <p>Hey there, 👋! I needed to set up automatic registration of ECS tasks of a service in our load balancer. The previous setups were done by colleagues, but now I had the chance to do it myself. Since we're setting up everything via <a href="https://www.terraform.io/">Terraform</a> as Infrastructure as Code, the example below will be written in <code>hcl</code>, the format that Terraform uses to set up resources.</p> Discover Hidden Space: Understanding Docker Storage Usage with `docker system df` 2024-07-25T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/understand-docker-storage/ <p>Hey there, 🐳</p> <p>Remember when you first started using Docker and thought you had it all figured out? Well, I've been in the Docker game for quite a while now, and I'm still stumbling upon new tricks. Today, I want to share a nifty little command that blew my mind - <code>docker system df</code>.</p> <p>Ever wondered how much space Docker is taking up on your machine? This command might be your new best friend. Let me show you what I mean:</p> Giving Users Some Privacy Back with E-Mail Aliases: A Personal Take 2024-07-08T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/give-users-privacy-back-email-aliases/ <p>I've been thinking a lot about email privacy lately. It seems like every website wants our email addresses these days, especially for newsletters. Don't get me wrong, I love a good newsletter, but with all the data breaches and spam out there, I can't help but feel a bit uneasy every time I type in my email address.</p> <p>That's when I stumbled upon the idea of email aliases. It's not a new concept, but it's one that I think deserves more attention.</p> How to get the total CPU and memory of an AWS ECS Fargate cluster using Python 2024-07-04T00:00:00Z https://niklasmtj.de/blog/get-cpu-and-memory-of-ecs-cluster/ <p>Hey there, 👋</p> <p>Have you ever tried to get the total amount of CPU cores and memory of one of your ECS clusters? Today I wrote a script to do just that. I wrote it in Python because the <code>boto3</code> library also powers the AWS CLI, so I thought this might be the best and easiest solution.</p>